Last updated on December 14th, 2024 at 05:00 pm

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” a 2024 American sci-fi action film, is directed by Wes Ball and written by Josh Friedman.
Generations after Caesar’s death, apes dominate Earth. They establish clans while surviving humans become animalistic and lose speech. Noa, a young chimpanzee hunter, prepares for a ceremony by collecting eagle eggs with friends Anaya and Soona. A human scavenger follows Noa and cracks his egg.
Searching for a new egg, Noa encounters ape raiders. They follow Noa’s horse back to his clan. He rushes home to find his village burning and his father, Koro, killed by Gorilla General Sylva. Noa is thrown from a high platform and wakes to find his clan abducted.
Noa buries Koro and sets out to rescue his clan. He is joined by Raka, an orangutan who tells Noa about Caesar’s teachings. They are followed by the scavenger, who Raka names Nova. Sylva’s raiders attack them, and Noa and Raka save Nova. She reveals her name is Mae and the raiders took Noa’s clan to a settlement near an old vault.
As they cross a bridge, Sylva ambushes them. Raka saves Mae from drowning but is swept away. Noa and Mae are captured. Noa meets the apes’ king, Proximus Caesar. Proximus enslaves other clans to open the vault for human technology.
Proximus invites Noa to dinner with Mae and Trevathan, a speaking human prisoner. Proximus believes Noa can help open the vault and warns him about Mae. Mae reveals she seeks a book to restore human speech. Noa agrees to help.
Noa, Mae, Soona, and Anaya plant explosives around the settlement’s sea walls. Trevathan catches them, but Mae strangles him. They enter the vault, finding weapons and Mae’s “book” – a satellite decryption key. The apes discover old picture books showing humans as the dominant species.
As they leave, Proximus and his followers confront them. Mae kills a lieutenant and triggers the explosives, flooding the bunker. Mae escapes while the apes climb higher. Noa is pursued by Sylva and leaves him to drown. Noa escapes but is attacked by Proximus.
Noa’s clan summons eagles to attack Proximus, sending him off a cliff. As they rebuild, Mae bids farewell, hiding a gun. She explains she destroyed the bunker to prevent the apes from getting weapons. Both question if apes and humans can co-exist. Mae goes to a human settlement with the decryption key, reactivating satellites to contact other humans.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Movie Download Link
American Movie (Hindi Dubbed)
File Size: 810 MB
Duration: 2:24:40 hours

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আপনি কি নতুন নতুন মুভির আপডেট সবার আগে পেতে চান? তাহলে আমাদের ফেজবুক এবং টেলিগ্রাম গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন। এই গ্রুপে এখন থেকে সকল নতুন মুভির ডাউনলোড লিংক পাবেন।